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Susamachar has long been at the heart of the steelpan in church movement. In 1965, Guinness Cavaliers, performing at Susamachar, the first steel orchestra to play at a church service in Trinidad, under the invitation of the Reverend Albert Baldeo, on the occasion of the country’s third Independence Day celebrations.

In 1999, when George Poliah and then Reverend Joy Abdul-Mohan started the Susamachar Presbyterian Church Steel Orchestra, no one foresaw that Susamachar would one day be the home of five steel orchestras and the home of the oldest surviving resident church steel orchestra in arguably the world. To find out more about the steel orchestras at Susamachar, click below!

(Written by Timothy E. Bally, BMus)

Susamachar Presbyterian Church Steel Orchestra

A Saturday morning in June 1999, a group of enthused young persons assembled in the

Church Hall at Susamachar Presbyterian Church eagerly awaiting the commencement of a pan

class. Mr. George Poliah, the brainchild of this initiative, dreamed of integrating our National

Instrument, the Steel Pan, into our church services. This dream emerged a reality through the

support of Reverend Joy Abdul and the Local Board of Susamachar…

Susamachar Presbyterian Youth Steel Orchestra

The task of being a musical director for any given church comes with a great understanding of what PRAISE is really about.

Praise in its entirety is our holy worship offerings which we present to God, be it a musical tribute or voices raised in song…

Susamachar Presbyterian Youth Steel Orchestra Partners

Susamachar Presbyterian Youth Steel Orchestra Parents was founded in 2011 when Mr George Poliah, Musical Director of Susamachar Presbyterian Church decided that the parents of the children of SPYSO should also learn to play the steel pan, hence the name of the band.

As time progressed, the band welcomed members who were not parents of SPYSO and so we became Susamachar Presbyterian Youth Steel Orchestra Partners…

Scouts of Susamachar

SOS was founded on March 1st, 2013 on the compound of Susamachar Presbyterian Church and consisted of members of 5th Naparima Scout Group and a few members from 1st Naparima College Sea Scout Troop.

The evolution of SOS has been remarkable growth from just a handful of persons to presently approximately 20 members, each practicing religiously on a Friday evening after their scouting activities…


Susamachar Pan Stars

Pan Stars

Susamachar Pan Stars was initially formed in January, 2016 with members being as young as seven years of age. 

This vibrant young orchestra presently has about 30 members.

The group was created by Musical Director Mr. George Poliah, and his Assistant, Ms. Amanda Ramjohn to select competent and enthusiastic youngsters to add to the Susamachar Presbyterian Youth Steel Orchestra (SPYSO) …

Pan Stars

Music is Holy. Rejoice in the sound! The Psalmists writes, “O Come, let us sing unto the

LORD, let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.” (Psalm 95:1). Music is an

integral part of worship resulting in various orchestras being formed to portray the spiritual

messages on steel.


A Saturday morning in June 1999, a group of enthused young persons assembled in the

Church Hall at Susamachar Presbyterian Church eagerly awaiting the commencement of a pan

class. Mr. George Poliah, the brainchild of this initiative, dreamed of integrating our National

Instrument, the Steel Pan, into our church services. This dream emerged a reality through the

support of Reverend Joy Abdul and the Local Board of Susamachar.

Susamachar Presbyterian Church Steel Orchestra, S.P.C.S.O., started with learning the

basics of music and steelpan using a blackboard and two (2) tenor pans. Initially, players learnt

the basic scales, eventually progressing to learning a song, “Yellow Bird.” Eager to share the

newfound way of praising God through music, on Sunday 3 rd October 1999, S.P.C.S.O. was

officially launched playing their first songs, “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee,” and “God Reveals

His Presence.” Following this, playing at all communion services became an integral addition to

the musical component of services. In addition, S.P.C.S.O. was asked to perform at the wedding

and reception of Reverend Joy Abdul. As time progressed, we were playing for other special

church services, Christmas pageants, weddings, and other churches.

Over the years, we have lost members due to life commitments. However, the band,

nurtured on positive energy portrayed through the music continues to bloom with innocence, joy,

reverence, and happiness from the spiritual messages that emanates from the music being played.

Presently, through the leadership of Mr. George Poliah and Ms. Amanda Ramjohn, S.P.C.S.O.

has bloomed majestically where members have grown on a musical and spiritual level by

showing a deeper appreciation for music as a form of worship.


Following is a list of members when the band was launched in 1999:

Arune Pooransingh Duane Ragbir

Kevin Ragbir Andre Ragbir

Garth Ragbir Dorianne Bellamy

Abigail Maharaj David Lalla-Maharaj

Renuka Lalla-Maharaj Leandra Dass

Nigel Dass Giselle Rampersad (dec.)

Kevin Singh Jeanmarc Sookhoo

Nicola Gooljar Juliet Gooljar

Kristal Goora Leslie Ann Goora

Nivedita Nobee Alison Banks

Anna Leonard Sherry Samlalsingh

Claudia Ramdin George Poliah


Past and Present Arrangers / Leaders of S.P.C.S.O. :

Kevin Ragbir (Past Arranger)

Dr. Arune Pooransingh (Past Arranger / Leader)


George Poliah (Arranger / Leader)

Amanda Ramjohn (Arranger / Leader)

Shaye Nagir (Arranger/Leader)

Timothy Bally (Arranger)

The task of being a musical director for any given church comes with a great understanding of what PRAISE is really about. Praise in its entirety is our holy worship offerings which we present to God, be it a musical tribute or voices raised in song. One man’s vision at the Susamachar Presbyterian Church was to have these offerings being made by children. Borne out of that deep desire to work with the young people Mr. George Poliah, our Musical Director started the group which we know today as the Susamachar Presbyterian Youth Steel Orchestra also known as S.P.Y.S.O. On 16th January 2010, S.P.Y.S.O. held its first practice on the compound of Susamachar Presbyterian Church. This group consisted of twenty-six youngsters ranging in ages from eight to fourteen years old. Mr. Poliah had the undaunting task of teaching music to these youths, some of whom had little or no musical training.

After three months of rigorous training S.P.Y.S.O. debuted on Sunday 2nd May 2010 rendering “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know” and “The Lord Is My Shepherd” much to the surprise and delight of the congregation. These kids were outstanding in their delivery of the music learnt that they were called on to be a part of the regular church worship.  More than a decade later Mr. Poliah and Ms. Amanda Ramjohn have continued to lead this band to greater heights, and it has become an integral part of our Music Ministry here at Susamachar. 

As time went by the natural progression of the group saw members getting older and moving into the senior band SPCSO. Commitments to education and the world of work took some of these members away. Yet some of them remained to assist with this band and gave freely of their time and talent to help build this group into the powerhouse that it has become today. Shaye Nagir and Timothy Bally both serve as Assistant Leaders and Arrangers. Additionally, Chelsea Maharaj, Kyle Ramlakhan, Rhys Ramlakhan, Christopher Seetahal and Wesley Ragobar ably assist the band whenever they are called upon. 

SPYSO has always been a very cohesive group of people, with high camaraderie among the youths and parents. At that time the influence of social media was not yet prevalent, and this allowed positive person to person interaction and active socialisation causing close bonds of friendships to be formed among members.

The current Administrative Committee 2021 to present consists of Russell Ramrattan (President), Renée Hosein-Persad (Treasurer), and Lisa Kalicharan-Paul (Secretary).


Susamachar Presbyterian Youth Steel Orchestra Parents was founded in 2011 when Mr George Poliah, Musical Director of Susamachar Presbyterian Church decided that the parents of the children of SPYSO should also learn to play the steel pan, hence the name of the band. As time progressed, the band welcomed members who were not parents of SPYSO and so we became Susamachar Presbyterian Youth Steel Orchestra Partners. 

Over the last ten years, the band has progressed musically and we have seen some change in membership. However, one thing remains constant and that is our commitment to honouring God with our music.

We are grateful to have the leadership of Mr Poliah, the assistance of Assistant Musical director, Miss Amanda Ramjohn and Arrangers Mr Shaye Nagir and Mr Timothy Bally. We also acknowledge the assistance of children of band members when necessary and it is quite heartwarming and humbling to play alongside your son/daughter.

We are grateful to those who encourage and support the band and it is our sincere hope that congregations now  and in the future will be blessed by our music.


History of Scouts Of Susamachar (SOS)

SOS was founded on March 1st, 2013 on the compound of Susamachar Presbyterian Church and consisted of members of 5th Naparima Scout Group and a few members from 1st Naparima College Sea Scout Troop. The evolution of SOS has been remarkable growth from just a handful of persons to presently approximately 20 members, each practicing religiously on a Friday evening after their scouting activities. Apart from growth in numbers, the band members themselves experienced growth in their own musical talents. The band’s first ever performance was 18th August 2013 accompanied by Mr. Wesley Ragobar and Ms. Claudia Ramdin and was later administered by Mr. George Poliah. The SOS Band was officially launched on the 1st September 2013 during a morning service.


SOS members from its inception in 2013 to present included: Timothy Bally, Nick Khadoo, Christopher Sookoo, Shaye Nagir, Shev Nagir, Christopher Dindial, Jordaine Ramnarine, Adrian Singh, Ravi Lutchman, Nikhil Lutchman, Brandon Lee Ali, Priya Lutchman, Joshua Mohammed, Jadyn Mohammed, Jabari Mohammed, Kyle Ramdial, Marc Ramdial, Timothy Noyan, Nathan Sookram, Justin Mitchell, Nicholas Jack, Christina Jack, Jaden Ramrattan, Tariq Prescott and Nathan Singh.

Susamachar Pan Stars was initially formed in January, 2016 with members being as young as seven years of age.  This vibrant young orchestra presently has about 30 members. The group was created by Musical Director Mr. George Poliah, and his Assistant, Ms. Amanda Ramjohn to select competent and enthusiastic youngsters to add to the Susamachar Presbyterian Youth Steel Orchestra (SPYSO). So impressed he was by the talent and vibrancy of the youngsters, Mr. Poliah decided to invest his unending energy to create a separate and distinct orchestra comprising these youths. 

What started off as a learning band, has now become a full-fledged band that participates at Services at least once a month. These devoted youth have worked hard to learn the national instrument, with some joining their school bands as well, and many learning multiple pans.  

The band has continued to teach younger members and can boast of a structured programme to introduce the youngest members to the instrument and basic music theory. Stop by on a Saturday at 1pm if you would like to see the band practise or if you have a youngster who may be interested. (Practise times may vary depending on if the Church is booked for another event, please call the Church’s Office for details).